Mind over body over mind: A long COVID Poem

Catherine J. Clark
2 min readOct 28, 2023
Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

It was mind over body, I swear
I could push and push and yes, I needed sleep
At the end, and I would rest
And then, the next day I was still my best

Today it is different, if I push hard
I can still put mind over body, for a while,
Then a wall forceful and strong,
It knocks me, and I am out, for too long

Guilt consumes me on good days,
I am not great, then, but I am fine,
Am I not? Weak yes, but I can do stuff,
It’s me, I think, I am not that tough

So I push, because really I am wrong
To have doubted that it’s not my mind;
Of course it’s me, I am weak
And my actions send me to bed for a week

Maybe I am weak, but it’s because I
Do not trust that I can be conquered
By something unseen, but so known
Long COVID is real, its existence is shown

Why do I doubt myself, when there’s
Nothing to doubt? True, there’s no virus to fight
But some cells they think are broken
And alone I am not, the doctors, and victims have spoken

I cannot heal by willing wellness alone
I must rest, true, but I must also trust,
That my mind can cast no spells,
Then my body might get the time it needs to heal its cells

Another poem about long COVID. If anyone wonders what I mean with no virus to fight — I very much mean, anymore in my own body. The virus is very much out there. Everyone stay safe.



Catherine J. Clark

Mostly, I write fiction. But on Medium, I write poetry for my own amusement. Currently battling long COVID, I expect some of my writing to focus on that too